PFSA Level 1 – Talent Identification Course Review

Are you interested in a career as a professional football scout? Or just intrigued to know more about how scouts work and what they look for in a player? If so, then the Professional Football Scouts Association (PFSA) Level 1 – Talent Identification in Football course is the perfect solution.
Want to know the best part? The entire level 1 course completed online, so you can learn at your own speed in the comfort of your own home. Below we will review the course, who can take and should take the course and what you are likely to learn. First things first, the tech spec: Once you’ve signed onto the course, the PFSA will send you an initial email with login details. The course must be completed within 30 days of receipt of this email, however, you can log in as many times as you wish to complete the course within the 30 days. The PFSA suggest using Chrome on either PC or MAC to complete the course, however from our experience it also works great on Safari. Some sections of the course need flash player, so ensure your browser if updated with the latest version.

What Is the PFSA Level 1 Course About?

Once you’ve booted your computer, logged into the PFSA education portal, armed with a freshly brewed coffee, what are you going to learn? Well unlike a lot of course landing pages, the PFSA own site does a great job of explaining everything you will learn on the course. The below list shows the exact course topic areas:
PFSA Level 1 Course Topic Areas

Is the PFSA Level 1 Suitable for Everyone?

Simply put, yes. The great thing about this online introduction to scouting is that all areas are explained in the simplest way. This allows newbies to pick up valuable insight and get a real feel for the day-to-day tasks of a football scout. However, the information provided in this course is also useful for any parent, coach or football enthusiast who wants to understand the theory behind what a football scout looks for. (This section of the course we found particularly interesting). Also, any player’s looking to catch the eye of talent scouts will learn a hat full of information, which will guide them in the right direction when practicing away from club training.

How Long Does the Course Take to Complete?

Once you receive your online login, you have 30 days to complete the course, this is ample time to work your way through the sections. The course in total took around 3.5 hours. This allows for ample note-taking time and to really take on board all the information.

How to book onto the PFSA Level 1 Courses?

The process of booking onto the course is simple and can be completed online in less than 60 seconds. To book the course today follow this link.

What’s next after the PFSA Level 1 Course?

Once you have completed the level 1 introductory to scouting course, the next step is the level 2 Talent Identification. This is a 2 days course held at Hotel Football in Manchester. Find out more about the PFSA level 2 here

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