Our most common questions by our community are ‘how can I get scouted?’, ‘how can I get a football trial’, or ‘how to write a football cv?’, and we’ll tell you the same as we advise them. Getting noticed by clubs and scouts is hard work, even for a talented footballer. Why? because there are so many other talented footballers playing the same positions with the same or potentially more talent, and the same or more dedication and discipline.

So how do you stand out? The most essential part of your footballing career is your player profile. Your ‘perceived’ image. The impression that you give off knowingly or unknowingly, and to get noticed you need to make it your job to create a football CV that sells you as a player effectively.

1. What is a Football CV?

A Football CV (Curriculum Vitae, or résumé), is a written outline of your football ability, playing history and personal profile.

However, players often overlook this important document choosing to concentrate on their on-field training, hoping a scout will spot them among the millions of hopefuls worldwide.

But, a CV is vital for both signed or unsigned players wanting to progress to a higher standard.

Approaching a club, scout or agent with a professional football CV is the most proactive method to improving your chance of being scouted for a new team.


If you are serious about becoming a pro footballer, or even just making it to a better level, present an updated football CV every season without fail, that can clearly demonstrate your current statistics, ability, performance and details.

2. How to write a Football CV?

1: Contact Details

This may seem obvious, but honestly we see a lot of cv’s without contact details!!! (yes, really!) and its not just about having them on there. They need to be laid out exactly as we have demonstrated in the How To Get Scouted Masterclass kit so that they are easy to scan and cover the right legalities (particularly if you are an under 16 player). You may not be aware of the details surrounding safe guarding best practice and law, but for professional football clubs, the recruiters will not deal with you unless they have the guardians point of contact.

We explain all this and show you the clearest way to lay out your contacts so that they pass acceptable standards for clubs and academies.

As with any CV you create, you need to put your contact details visible at the top of the page.

6 Parts to your contact details

Within the How To Get Scouted Masterclass we walk you through the 6 main parts to your contact details and how best to lay them out. Remember that coaches / academy recruiters / scouts are busy people and get overloaded with playesr approaching them so you need to stand out from the crowd and make their life easier by providing the things they need to do a good job ad that includes providing your contact details in a way that it is easy for them to approach you and invite you to trials without breaking any legal obligation and safeguarding law.

Assisting the coach in selecting you.

Your contact details also assist the coach in selecting you if you have left the right clues. Again we go over this in the How To Get Scouted Masterclass

How you choose which contact details to give can also impact how professional you come across as. We give in depth guidance in how to ensure that you come across as a professional player serious about committing to football and not an immature teenager with no seriousness for your chosen subject… football.

In todays global selection process, visa are a hot topic and also effect your opportunities. We go over how to approach this sensitive subject to give yourself the best chances of success.

In additino to this we go over how to share content of yourself playing without overkill.

Try to remeber that too much can have less of an impact than a small clip of you playing.

How to write a Football CV

Your Football CV is often your first chance to get the attention of a football recruiter, and we all know how important first impressions are.


You must take time to complete each section of your Football CV with truthful, accurate, well thought out information.

By investing time in your CV, recruiters can recognise how dedicated you are to progressing within the game.

It also shows you understand what it takes to get scouted, and that you respect the recruiters time by research how they prefer players to approach them.

Below are the key areas you must include in your Football CV.

2. Player Profile

This is your chance to show your value and spike the recruiters interest. Here you want to express what kind of player you believe yourself to be and the relative experience you have gained to date. Unlike the rest of your football CV, this is the only part of your CV that is opinion based. However, this does not give you the opportunity to exaggerate your abilities.

Definitely do not write:

"I am better than Cristiano Ronaldo"

We suggest you use this as your chance to demonstrate your enthusiasm and determination, on top of summarising your playing career to date. But… Keep is short and sweet. Less is always more! Long winded profiles are difficult for recruiters to read and unnecessary information will dilute your more important points. So be concise and write for the reader.

3. Vital Statistics

This section should list your physical statistics, awards, previous tournaments and any languages you speaks.  

Football recruiters aim to find a certain type of player with a specific physical build. So your physical statistics or show your suitability.

Listing accurate vital statistics will improve your chances of getting signed. Scouts and managers have limited positions to fill within a squad.

So make your CV easy to scan your allowing them to get a feel for the type of player you are.

A recruitment panel will assess different characteristics depending on the player’s position.

For example a wing-back needs great:

  • Agility
  • Speed
  • Stamina
  • Positional sense
  • Crossing ability

Preferred Foot

Highlighting which foot you are more comfortable with let the recruiter know where on the pitch you may be more suited to play.

If you are good with both feet, this shows your versatility, however, do not lie, as you will get found out.

4. Current Season Statistics

Your playing stats give the recruiter a snapshot of your current form, regardless of your team’s performance . These stats should mirror how professional clubs carry out a Player Performance Analysis. This will make it easier for the club to compare you to their current crop of players.

5. Key Skills

Consider this a summary of your best qualities, strengths, and sporting achievements. Just think: How often do you hear football statistics used in the media to describe a player’s abilities? It’s the norm and a great way to showcase your own abilities as facts don’t lie. Try to list your footballing key skills and back them up with stats. This enables the recruiter to see how you might fit into their team. A coach will look for different qualities depending on their current playing squad, highlighting any gaps they need to fill. So, be honest! For example, instead of listing
  • Great agility
  • High jump height
  • Fast sprinter
Try listing it like this:
  • 18.1 seconds in the Illinois Agility Test
  • 85% success rate on 1v1 situations
  • Vertical Jump Test height 2.4m
  • Average 7.1km traveled per game this season
  • Recorded 100 meters in 13.4 seconds
  • Strong upper body with a bench press one rep max of 95kg

6. Playing History

This is where you list the teams you have played for throughout your football career.

Recruiters use this section to gauge how long you have been in a structured football environment and the level of training you may have received. Your playing history also gives an insight into whether you are a player who likes to stay at one team, or if you are open to moving for new opportunities.

You should like the team name, appearances, and dates you played for them. Always list the most recent team first. 

7. Football Experience

If you’ve learned football at school or college then this will be listed under football experience.

This is also the place to list any football-specific courses, clubs or summer camps you attended. Scouts are looking to see that you love the game and extra curricular activities communicate just that!

8. Educational Qualifications

It’s not all about football abilities. Recruiters want to that you take all areas of your development seriously, and that includes your academic education. This will also show coaches your ability to learn and listen to instructions.  Keep this area concise and factual listing the most recent first. For example: Distinction – BTEC ND Sports Science (Filton Sports College, Bristol, 2014) 9 x GCSE’s -St Anne Secondary School, Hertfordshire, 2013 If you yet to qualify or receive your grades, list your school with the dates.

9. Nutrition, Fitness & Agility Training

This section is often overlooked by many hopeful footballers, but it is an important way to show that you understand how to look after your mind and body.

Consuming the right nutrition, working on injury prevention and improving on pitch performance by doing regular agility training are signs of commitment and attitude. In this section, you could list 3 areas you of fitness you work on outside of team training:

  • Nutritional diet
  • Fitness training routine
  • Speed, agility, and quickness routine

10. Interests

Listing your hobbies and interests allows you to communicate your personality to recruiters. This gives you a chance to show how you can fit in and become an asset to their team. Keep this to one line, as you do want your personal life to take up too much valuable space.

11. Referees

Adding referral contacts to your CV allows football recruiters to approach your coaches or P.E teachers before offering you a trial.   However:  Choose your referees wisely. As a credible person can help you improve your overall image to the recruiter. You should pick a person you know in a football capacity and it is a good idea to ask the person for permission to use them as a reference.

12. Photo

Adding a headshot or full-length photograph allows the recruiter to assess your physique and visual health. You should add a picture of you in a football situation.

Examples of a good football CV photo would be:

  • Head and shoulder close up of you in your playing kit with a football pitch in the background
  • A full-length shot of you in action with the ball during a match or training.

3. How to write a Football CV for your Child

How to write a Football CV for your child

If you are a parent writing a Football CV on behalf of your child, you should discuss each section and sentence with your child so that the language feels relatable to them. If a coach asks your child questions about the content of their CV, they need to answer consistently.

Recruiters know that young players need support from parents when applying for trials.


If it is too polished, they will question how truthful the CV is and it could go against your child.

There is nothing more off-putting than a pushy parent, so don’t push so hard that you ruin your child’s chances.

CV writing is a skill that is needed outside of football. So, teaching your child to identify their achievements, skills and ability is invaluable.

4. Football CV Cover Letter

Cover Letter

Once you have completed your Football CV you need an engaging cover letter to introduce yourself to recruiters.

Why Do You Need a Cover Letter?

You should always send a cover letter alongside your football CV when approaching a club, scout or agent.

The cover letter introduces you the right way and enables you to use your personality to elaborate on your skills.
With a professional cover letter you can:

  • Expand on certain points of your football CV
  • Improve the impact of your football CV
  • Highlight your individual interest in getting a trial or playing for the club

Your football Cover Letter should:

  • Include a layout similar to a standard letter (address and contact details in top right corner etc.)
  • Be only one A4 page
  • Be written in first person voice, so you don’t sound robotic. Football is a passionate sport, so try to convey your passion in your letter.
  • Tell the football scouts why you are contacting them. For example, you may be responding to a trial advert, or requesting a scouting visit. Whatever the case, be clear from the start
  • Link your Cover Letter to relevant points/achievements on your Football CV.

This is your chance to make a great first impression and entice the recruiters to read your football CV.

We have included a professional cover letter template in our football CV template kit.

5. How to Create a Football Highlight Video

How to Create A Football Highlight Video

In most working environments, employees learn a set of rules and then apply them to work situations.

However…Football is different.

Elite football is geared around learning principles and ideologies you can interpret to improve your ability and play.

This is difficult to show on paper, as highlighting a skill is easier to show.

Therefore, you should link to an online library of your own videos that showcase your skills.

Quick Tips for Making a Football Highlight Video

  1. Edit Aggressively: Cut and trim your clips to only show the highlights.
    Scouts are very busy and if your build up is too long, they will lose patients fast.
  2. Use a Variety of clips: Mix up your video clips and highlights. Add clips of you performing all of the attributes needed in your position.
  3. Music is not essential: If you plan on adding music to your videos, make sure you pick wisely. Do not pick an offensive or controversial track (no swearing). Remember this is background music and should not detract from your highlights.
  4. Introduce yourself at the beginning. Start your video off with a 10-second introduction of your name, position and squad number (Make sure you are wearing your kit in the video intro).

Common Football Video Mistakes
Lastly, make sure the scout can identify who you are. Too many players send in great clips without highlighting who they are in the video. 


To make your football clip clear try using arrow overlays or highlight areas of the video. If you cannot edit video and are on a budget, you can download free video editing software online. 

You can also visit sites like Freelancer where you can post your requirements and video editors from around the world will bid to edit your footage from around £10. 

The easiest way to host video footage of yourself is to set up a YouTube channel. The advantage of this is that you can make the link URL to your channel bespoke. For example: www.youtube.com/jermainelangleyfootball

Another way to host videos is to set up a google plus page and record videos on your phone and upload them to your google plus page.

6. Your Online Football Player Profile

Improve Your Online Profile

Many players use LinkedIn to network with coaches, players, and clubs.

Depending on your age, creating a LinkedIn profile can give you a great online presence.

NOTE: LinkedIn’s rule state all profile holders must be 16 or older. Any players under 16 will need parental guidance.

Whilst it may not seem the most natural place for a footballer, it makes recruiters more accessible, so it’s a no-brainer to create a profile.

Recruiters may also check your profile after receiving your football CV, to gather more information.


The main benefit of LinkedIn is you can create a positive online image. Allowing you to:

  • Showcase your football history and skills.
  • Receive endorsements from others in your network

All of these factors can help influence a scout.

But, creating a profile isn’t as easy as a Facebook or Twitter profile. You must plan each section to ensure your profile looks professional.

Here is an example of former Dutch international Demy de Zeeuw using LinkedIn to find a new club.

7. Reasons your Football CV may get rejected

demy-de- zeeuw-linkedin

Reasons your Football CV may get rejected

Rejection can be a tough pill to swallow.

Understanding some of the most common reasons for rejections can help you shape your approach to a football recruiter. 

Of course…

There is no one size fits all answer,  but there are clear guidelines that can help. 

What is Rejection in relation to your Football CV?
Every professional player has experienced rejection of some king during their career.

The good news is that you are in control of your own progression and can make up for any area of weakness by strengthening another area of your skill set.

The most common reasons for rejection are:

  1. Being too small
  2. Being too slow
  3. Not having enough agility
  4. Poor Technique
  5. Lack of commitment off the pitch
  6. Lacking team spirit and respect

What Next…

Find out what scouts look for in a player here


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